Marks Star North Americans

Weather & Tides

Weather Synopsis for August

Historical Temperatures for Winthrop from for Aug 21
Average High:  79   Record:   97
Average Low:   64   Record:   54 climatology data for August

Water Temp on July 21: 65.8 degrees

Average Wind speed 4-13 knots, usually on the higher end of that scale with an afternoon seabreeze. We have also had some good weather systems in August in the past bringing plenty of good wind.
Average Wind Speed
NOAA Climatology at Boston Buoy Station 44013

Current Weather Observations

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast
NOAA Current weather conditions at Logan Airport
IWindsurf wind graph for Logan Airport
Current Weather at the Boston buoy. Station Id: 44013

Marine Weather Forecasts hourly marine forecast for Winthrop hourly forecast for Winthrop
NOAA Boston Harbor Forecast
NOAA Coastal Marine Forecast for Southern New England
NOAA Special Marine Warning
NOAA Special Marine Statement

Radar, Satellite & Maps
NOAA East Coast Satellite
National Weather Service Boston Radar
Intellicast New England NEXRAD
Intellicast Wind Map for New England

Weather Websites
National Weather Service - Boston
Weather Net - Massachusetts
Intellicast Home Page
MIT Weather page

Tides for August 21-25, 2004

August 21 09:35AM 0.3 Low 03:47PM 10.0 High
August 22 10:22AM 0.6 Low 04:35PM 10.1 High
August 23 11:15AM 0.8 Low 05:29PM 10.1 High
August 2406:09AM 8.7 High 12:13PM 1.0 Low06:28PM 10.2 High
August 2507:13AM 8.6 High 01:14PM 1.1 Low 07:31PM 10.3 High

NOAA Tide Websites for Boston

Deer Island Light Tidal Predictions
Boston Harbor Observed and Predicted Tides
Deer Island Predicted Tidal Currents
Current Differences and other Constants

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This file last modified: Friday, 20-Apr-2018 11:54:54 MDT